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There are several types of fat but in today’s blog we will cover subcutaneous and visceral fat.

Subcutaneous fat is the fat you see when you immediately look at someone and it is the fat we target when we perform your Cryoskin treatment. This type of fat sits right beneath the skin. Although it has some benefits such as protecting your body and keeping you warm, having too much can be very unhealthy and even damaging to your body. When you eliminate a lot of this fat you can reduce your risk of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Plus, you will look better since this fat is easily seen when looking at someone. We freeze this when performing your Cryoskin treatment. Heat helps to bring these fat cells even closer to the surface of the skin and as soon as they relax we immediately shock them with freezing temperatures. Once they are hit again with heat at the end of your treatment the entire cell liquifies and your lymphatic system takes over and drains them out of your body.

Visceral fat is buried deep in your body and you will normally get rid of this fat first when you begin a diet. Because it’s so deep in your body, sometimes you’ll lose weight but you will still feel that you look fat. This is because visceral fat is not like subcutaneous fat and is not as visible in everyone’s body. This fat surrounds your organs and although it has its benefits as well, too much of it can be very harmful to your body and organs. When you think about it, you’ll realize that it’s actually not that hard to get rid of. A healthy diet and exercise is all you need. The best way to target this fat is to reduce carbs and sugar. These fat cells grow when you are consuming too many things with sugar and partially hydrogenated oils or high fructose corn syrup.

So basically the point I am trying to make is that if you combine our treatment with a healthy diet and exercise you will target both visceral and subcutaneous fat at the same time. This is going to speed up your weight loss results and who wouldn’t want that? Let us help you on your journey and watch the fat disappear.

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